The Secret to Living your Best Life

The Secret to Living your Best Life

What if I told you that you can have the life that you want and deserve in less than 2 years? Would you believe it? Stop making excuses. Start living your best life.

In a previous post, I mentioned how facing challenges during solo travel led me to deciding what I want for my future and setting goals, both in my personal and professional life (you can check it out here if you haven’t). I decided to travel alone! When you travel alone, you discover just how capable you actually are. You return stronger, and as a result, more confident in your ability to take on the world – alone. My totally go-for-it attitude actually landed me abroad for 6 months – and I’ve never felt more alive and totally in charge of my life.

I recently found myself in a conversation with someone pointing out that I don’t like not getting what I want. He asked if that happens often and I replied, “not really” while having also taken note that I just sounded like a rich, spoiled, brat. I will happily point out to all of you that I am, in fact, neither rich nor spoiled. But may have been called a brat by my siblings once or twice.

Anyway, during the period of time that the conversation took place I had an insatiable and burning desire to manifest something very specific in both in my professional and personal life. I knew it would take the cojones to do something unthinkable (and probably slightly to moderately insane depending on who you ask), it would be almost impossible to complete on time, I would risk being homeless in another country, and I would have to put a lot of dependence on many other people (and the Universe) to come through for me. But I was 150% confident in what I wanted to manifest, and would stop at nothing to achieve it. And even if things didn’t go how I intended them to, I knew they would work out even better (<—-this is extremely important when deciding to take charge of your life!).

Some short time later, the same person from the previous conversation said to me, “I don’t know how you do it. Somehow, someway, the earth and stars magically aligned and things are going exactly how you wanted.” And I thought, “Holy sh*t. I did it. I’m doing it! I am here, manifesting what I want from life!”

Well, fret no more. I’m here to tell you exactly what I did to get it done!

#1 It’s all in your head

It really is. If you believe you can do it, you will find a way. If you believe you can’t, you’ll find an excuse. Passion trumps fear. The first step to manifesting the reality you desire is changing your thinking. Your thoughts are the most powerful tools you have. What you choose to focus on becomes your reality, so ditch the self-sabotaging beliefs and excuses and get over your bullshit already.

#2 Define What Success Means to You

Success can be defined as something different to everyone. When I was 21, success meant money (and nice car, and nice house, etc). When I was 25, success meant a real career. At 28, success meant being cultured and well-traveled. At 31, my idea of success shifted to merely just being happy. Which I found once I stopped living within the fear of my own self-sabotaging beliefs that I couldn’t have the life that I deserve and decided to move abroad alone! And my idea of success is changing!

Success is whatever you say it is and will inevitably change as you grow and mature. Get real about your dreams and desires and what success looks like to you, not to everyone around you. Think about it. Dream about it. Smile about it. Breath for it. Pretend like its already happening. Fake it.

#3 Believe it Exists

“Faith is having the audacity to believe in the not-yet seen. And the moment you have the audacity to start believing in the not-yet seen, your reality will begin to shift. But you have to change your thinking first, and THEN the evidence appears. Our biggest mistake is demanding to see the evidence before believing it exists.”

-Jen Sincero

Having faith that the Universe has something incredibly magnificent lined up for you that you haven’t yet seen is extremely important! Remember how you thought you’d die when your significant other cheated until you realized they actually did you a favor because you met someone better? Remember when you got fired and thought you’d be homeless and not be able to feed your kids, but you actually found a higher paying, less stressful job as a result? Remember when you were afraid to move abroad because you didn’t know what would happen, but you met the most incredible people in the process? Looking back and realizing that the bad things weren’t actually bad at all is the key to having faith in the not-yet-seen. Believe that something unimaginably better is on your horizon!

Everything that you desire is right here, right now. How incredibly liberating is that? Once you believe that it exists, and you get really clear about what you desire, the opportunities will start to slap you in the face. This is because the opportunities were there all along, you were just too busy focusing on your own self-doubt and wallowing in the excuses as to why you “can’t” instead of looking for and manifesting all the reasons why you can.

#4 Live in a State of Gratitude

GRATITUDE! Living in a state of gratitude is about having a deep appreciation for the many miracles in your life. Even if they are short lived. Even if you know they will end soon. When you run around all excited about the great things the universe has miraculously given to you, you put out the kind of energy needed to manifest more great things in your life. You’re actually putting off positive energy which makes positive energy reflect back to you! Without gratitude, you are powerless!

Gratitude connects you to the truth that you not only have the power to manifest that which you seek, but you ARE the power. Which means when you are grateful to the Universe you are grateful to yourself.”

-Jen Sincero

When you are grateful to yourself, you have the most powerful tools of all – SELF LOVE and FAITH! How freaking awesome is that?

#5 Love Yourself

When you operate in a state of gratitude, you love the life that you have manifested! You are grateful to the Universe for all of the awesome that you already have, you have faith in the not yet seen, and you are totally grateful for all the awesome things that are still coming your way! You refuse to accept that anything less than awesome is coming your way! Why? Because you know that you are awesome and have the power to demand an awesome life! NOW THAT IS SELF-LOVE! How powerful!!!!

When you love yourself, you let go of trying to be perfect because you realize that perfection doesn’t define your worth. When you love yourself, you understand that perfection doesn’t exist and instead you allow yourself to learn from your decisions. When you love yourself, you give yourself room to grow and become better for the future.

#6 Put it All Together

When you ditch the self-sabotaging beliefs and fears, get real about the life that you REALLY want, believe that the life exists to you and is already here waiting for you to show up to the party, you live in a state of gratitude for showing up to the party (because you found some incredibly awesome opportunity there), and love yourself like your life depends on it, YOU NOTICE THAT YOU MANIFESTED THE HECK OUT OF YOUR LIFE! You will be living life on purpose, alive and completely in control of whatever the hell you want! HOW EXCITING?!?!?!?!

I spent 2018 traveling and focusing on me (read about it here). I focused on changing my thinking from “I want” to “I will”. I defined what success meant to me and I refused to believe that I couldn’t have it. I had faith when I was scared but dove into the unknown head first. I moved to Singapore and spent 2019 in a constant state of gratitude, having faith and loving myself and I can be 150% sure everything will work out as it should, or perhaps even better! That’s how the earth and stars magically align and reciprocate back to you the incredible things that you deserve! Be positive, have faith, be grateful, and LOVE YOURSELF!


– Jeannie

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Fabulous article!! We were meant to meet on that flight!! So happy for you…continue to live your best life! ❤️✈️

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